Dataset Formats

dsgrid aims to support all dataset formats that users need for efficient queries and analysis. If you need a new format, please contact the dsgrid team to discuss it.


  1. Metric data should usually be stored in Parquet files. Tiny datasets like those for growth rates can be stored in CSV files. If you need or want another optimized columnar file format, please contact the dsgrid team.

  2. If the data tables contain time-series data, each unique time array must contain an identical range of timestamps.

  3. Values of dimension columns must be strings. This includes model_year and weather_year.

  4. Each dimension column name except time must match dsgrid dimension types (geography, sector, subsector, etc.).

  5. The values in each dimension column must match the dataset’s dimension records.


  1. Enable compression in all Parquet files. Snappy is preferred.

  2. The recommended size of individual Parquet files is 128 MiB. Making the files too big can cause memory issues. Making them too small adds overhead and hurts performance.

  3. Trivial dimensions (one-element records) should not be stored in the data files. They should instead be defined in the dataset config. dsgrid will add them dynamically at runtime.

  4. Consider the appropriate floating point precision. 64-bit floats may be needed but will double the storage space. 32-bit floats may be acceptable.


Currently, the pivoted dimension must be the metric dimension. This limitation is expected to be fixed soon.


Time zones

Timestamps must be converted to UTC when written to the Parquet files. Do not use the Pandas feature where it records time zone information into the Parquet metadata.

We recommend that you use Spark to create the Parquet files, but that is not required. If you do use Spark, note the following:

  • Spark implicitly interprets timestamps in the time zone of the current SQL session and converts them to UTC when writing dataframes to Parquet.

  • You can override the SQL session time zone programmatically or in your Spark configuration file. The setting is spark.sql.session.timeZone.

Time zone aware timestamps

dsgrid can convert timestamps in data tables to the proper time zone looking up the time dimension.

Time zone unaware timestamps

Time-zone-unaware timestamps that will be interpreted as local time should be written as UTC timestamps (i.e., 12pm with no time zone should be written as 12pm UTC).


Input datasets can use a one-table or two-table format as described below.

Both formats support pivoting the record IDs of one dimension as an option.

  • Pivoted: All dimensions except the pivoted dimension are columns in the table. The record IDs of the pivoted dimension are columns in the table. Several dsgrid datasets pivot the metric dimension in order to avoid many repeated rows of other dimensions. This saves storage space but can make queries more complicated. dsgrid handles that complexity on the back end, but this point can still apply to users that inspect the raw datasets.

  • Unpivoted: The table has one column per dimension (except time, which might have more than one column) and a column called value that contains the data values. This format makes queries simpler. It is also good for cases when there is not a sensible dimension to pivot.

One Table Format

All metric data and dimension records are stored in one Parquet file.

|          timestamp|geography|          scenario|           subsector|
|2011-12-31 22:00:00|    01001|      efs_high_ldv|full_service_rest...|
|2011-12-31 22:00:00|    01001|      efs_high_ldv|      primary_school|
|2011-12-31 22:00:00|    01001|      efs_high_ldv|quick_service_res...|
|2011-12-31 22:00:00|    01001|      efs_high_ldv|   retail_standalone|
|2011-12-31 22:00:00|    01001|      efs_high_ldv|    retail_stripmall|
|2011-12-31 22:00:00|    01001|      efs_high_ldv|         small_hotel|
|2011-12-31 22:00:00|    01001|      efs_high_ldv|        small_office|
|2011-12-31 22:00:00|    01001|      efs_high_ldv|           warehouse|
|2011-12-31 22:00:00|    01001|ldv_sales_evs_2035|full_service_rest...|
|2011-12-31 22:00:00|    01001|ldv_sales_evs_2035|      primary_school|
|2011-12-31 22:00:00|    01001|ldv_sales_evs_2035|quick_service_res...|
|2011-12-31 22:00:00|    01001|ldv_sales_evs_2035|   retail_standalone|
|2011-12-31 22:00:00|    01001|ldv_sales_evs_2035|    retail_stripmall|
|2011-12-31 22:00:00|    01001|ldv_sales_evs_2035|         small_hotel|
|2011-12-31 22:00:00|    01001|ldv_sales_evs_2035|        small_office|
|2011-12-31 22:00:00|    01001|ldv_sales_evs_2035|           warehouse|
|2011-12-31 22:00:00|    01001|         reference|full_service_rest...|
|2011-12-31 22:00:00|    01001|         reference|      primary_school|
|2011-12-31 22:00:00|    01001|         reference|quick_service_res...|
|2011-12-31 22:00:00|    01001|         reference|   retail_standalone|

Two Table Format (Standard)

Two Parquet files comprise the dataset:

  • load_data.parquet: Metric data, usually with time-series data. This example pivots the metric dimension records.

|          timestamp|  id|            heating|             cooling|  interior_equipment|
|2012-01-01 00:00:00|9106| 0.2143171631469727|0.001987764734408426|0.051049410357755676|
|2012-01-01 01:00:00|9106| 0.3290653818000351|9.035294172606012E-5|0.051049410357755676|
|2012-01-01 02:00:00|9106|0.36927244565896444|                 0.0| 0.06622870555383997|
|2012-01-01 03:00:00|9106| 0.3869816717726735|                 0.0| 0.06622870555383997|
|2012-01-01 04:00:00|9106| 0.3872526947775441|                 0.0| 0.06622870555383997|
  • load_data_lookup.parquet: Metadata that connects dimension records with the metric data. Must include a row with a null id for every combination of required dimensions that does not exist in load_data.

|geography|sector| subsector|     id|
|    53061|   com|  Hospital|      1|
|    53053|   com|  Hospital|      2|
|    53005|   com|  Hospital|      3|
|    53025|   com|  Hospital|      4|
|    53045|   com|  Hospital|      5|

Each unique time array in load_data must be denoted with an ID that corresponds to a record in load_data_lookup. The ID is user-defined. Users may want to use a sequentially-increasing integer or encode other information into specific bytes of each integer.

The table may optionally include the column scaling_factor to account for cases where the value columns need to multiplied by a scaling factor. If scaling_factor does not apply, the value in the row can be 1.0 or null.

This format minimizes file storage because

  1. Time arrays can be shared across combinations of dimension records, possibly with different scaling factors.

  2. Dimension information is not repeated for every timestamp. (This could be minimal because of compression inside the Parquet files.)

Time Formats


The load data table has one column representing time, typically called timestamp. When written to Parquet files the type should be the TIMESTAMP logical type (integer, not string) and be adjusted to UTC. When read into Spark the type should be TimestampType (not TimestampNTZType).

Handling of no-time-zone timestamps (Spark type TimestampNTZType) is possible. Contact the dsgrid team if you need this.


Load data contains one value per model year.

[2020, 2021, 2022]

Representative Period

Metric data contains timestamps that represent multiple periods. dsgrid supports the following formats:


Each time array contains one week of hourly data (24 hours per day) that applies to an entire month. The times represent local time (no time zone). There are no shifts, missing hours, or extra hours for daylight savings time.

  • All time columns must be integers.

  • month is one-based, starting in January. Jan -> 1, Feb -> 2, etc.

  • day_of_week is zero-based, starting on Monday. Mon -> 0, Tue -> 1, etc.

  • hour is zero-based, starting at midnight.

| id|month|day_of_week|hour|dim_col1|
|  1|    4|          0|   0|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|   1|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|   2|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|   3|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|   4|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|   5|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|   6|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|   7|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|   8|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|   9|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|  10|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|  11|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|  12|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|  13|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|  14|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|  15|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|  16|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|  17|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|  18|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|  19|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|  20|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|  21|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|  22|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          0|  23|     1.0|
|  1|    4|          1|   0|     1.0|

dsgrid can add support for other period formats. Please submit requests as needed.