
Python Environment

dsgrid requires python=3.10 or later. If you do not already have a python environment with python>=3.10, we recommend using Conda to help manage your python packages and environments.

Steps to make a dsgrid Conda environment:

  1. Download and install Conda if it is not already installed. We recommend Miniconda over Anaconda because it has a smaller installation size.

  2. Create a suitable environment.

$ conda create -n dsgrid python=3.11
  1. Activate the environment:

$ conda activate dsgrid

dsgrid’s key dependency is Apache Spark. Apache Spark requires Java, so check if you have it. Both of these commands must work:

$ java --version
openjdk 11.0.12 2021-07-20
$ echo $JAVA_HOME

$ # If you don't have java installed:
$ conda install openjdk

Package Installation

With ssh keys:

pip install git+ssh://

Or from http:

pip install git+

Todo installation not available yet.


NREL Shared Registry

The current dsgrid registries are stored in per-project SQLite database files. All configuration information is stored in the database(s) and all dataset files are stored on the NREL HPC shared filesystem.

Standalone Registry

To use dsgrid in your own computational environment, you will need to initialize your own registry with this CLI command:

dsgrid-admin create-registry --help

Apache Spark

Test your installation

If you’re running dsgrid at NREL and using the shared registry, you can test your installation with this command:

$ dsgrid -u sqlite:///<your-db-path> registry projects list

Save your configuration

Running dsgrid config create stores key information for working with dsgrid in a config file at ~/.dsgrid.json5. Currently, dsgrid only supports offline mode, and the other key information to store is the registry URL. The parameters in the config file are the default values used by the command-line interface.

The appropriate configuration for using the shared registry at NREL is:

$ dsgrid config create sqlite:////projects/dsgrid/standard-scenarios.db --offline


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