.. _spark-overview: ************ Apache Spark ************ This page describes Spark concepts that are important to understand when using dsgrid. .. todo:: Split this content up into tutorials, how-tos, explanations, and reference material Windows Users ============= Spark does not offer a great user experience in Windows. While ``pyspark`` and ``spark-submit`` work in local mode, running a cluster requires manual configuration. The developers provide cluster management scripts in bash, and so they do not work in Windows. When running a cluster on your laptop we recommend that you use dsgrid in a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2) environment instead of a native Windows environment. If you are running in local mode, you will need Hadoop's ``winutils.exe`` because windows doesn't support HDFS. If you don’t have winutils.exe installed, you will need to download the wintils.exe and hadoop.dll files from https://github.com/steveloughran/winutils (select the Hadoop version you are using as winutils are specific to Hadoop versions). Then copy them into a folder like ``C:\hadoop\bin``, set the environment variable ``HADOOP_HOME`` to, e.g., ``C:\hadoop``, and add ``%HADOOP_HOME%\bin`` to your ``PATH``. If you get an error like: ``Python was not found; run without arguments to install from the Microsoft Store, or disable this shortcut from Settings > Manage App Execution Aliases.`` try setting this environment variable: ``PYSPARK_PYTHON=python`` (or set the value to ipython, if you would prefer). Conventions =========== This page uses the UNIX conventions for environment variables and running commands in a shell. If you do run any of these commands in a native Windows environment, you will have to adjust depending on whether you are running PowerShell or the old Command shell. Explanation of bash functionality used here: - ``$VARIABLE_NAME`` or ``${VARIABLE_NAME}``: This uses the environment variable ``VARIABLE_NAME``. If the variable isn't defined, bash will use an empty string. - ``export VARIABLE_NAME=x``: This sets the environment variable ``VARIABLE_NAME`` to the value ``x`` in the current shell. If you want to set this variable for all future shells as well, add the statement to your shell rc file (``$HOME/.bashrc`` or ``$HOME/.zshrc``). - `export VARIABLE_NAME=$(hostname)`: This sets the environment variable ``VARIABLE_NAME`` to the string returned by the command ``hostname``. In examples listed on this page where you need to enter text yourself, that text is enclosed in ``<>`` as in ``http://:4040``. Spark Overview ============== Cluster Mode ------------ Apache provides an overview at https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/cluster-overview.html The most important parts to understand are how dsgrid uses different cluster modes in different environments. - Local computer in local mode: All Spark components run in a single process. This is great for testing and development but is not performant. It will not use all CPUs on your system. You run in this mode when you type ``pyspark`` in your terminal. - Local computer with a standalone cluster: You must install Spark and then manually start the cluster. Refer to the [installation instructions](#installing-a-spark-standalone-cluster-on-your-laptop). This enables full performance on your system. It also allows you to debug your jobs in the Spark UI before or after they complete. - HPC compute node in local mode: Use this only for quick checks. Same points above for local computer in local mode apply. Create a standalone cluster for real work. If you use this, set the environment variable ``SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS=/tmp/scratch`` so that you have enough space. - HPC compute node(s) with a standalone cluster: Create a cluster on any number of compute nodes and then use all CPUs for your jobs. Refer to the [installation instructions](#installing-a-spark-standalone-cluster-on-an-hpc). - AWS EMR cluster: The EMR scripts in the dsgrid repo at ``/emr`` will create a Spark cluster on EC2 compute nodes with a cluster manager. The cluster manager allows multiple users to access a single cluster and offers better job scheduling. Refer to the README.md in that directory. Run Spark Applications ---------------------- There are three ways of running Spark applications in Python. ``spark-submit`` and ``pyspark``, provided by the Spark and pyspark installations, are recommended because they allow you to fully customize the execution environment. More details follow [below](#tuning-spark-configuration-settings). 1. ``spark-submit`` This command will create a SparkSession, make that session available to the Python process, and run your code. .. code-block:: console $ spark-submit [options] your_script.py [your_script_options] 2. ``pyspark`` This command will create a SparkSession, make that session available to the Python process, and leave you in the Python interpreter for an interactive session. .. code-block:: console $ pyspark [options] 3. Inside Python .. code-block:: console $ python >>> from pyspark.sql import SparkSession >>> spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("your_app_name").getOrCreate() Run pyspark through IPython or Jupyter -------------------------------------- You can configure ``pyspark`` to start ``IPython`` or ``Jupyter`` instead of the standard Python interpreter by setting the environment variables ``PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON`` and ``PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON_OPTS``. IPython ------- .. code-block:: console $ export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON=ipython Local mode: .. code-block:: console $ pyspark Cluster mode: .. code-block:: console $ pyspark --master=spark://$(hostname):7077 Now you are in IPython instead of the standard Python interpreter. Jupyter ------- .. code-block:: console $ export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON=jupyter $ export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON_OPTS="notebook --no-browser --port=8889 --ip=" $ export SPARK_HOME=$(python -c "import pyspark;print(pyspark.__path__[0])") Local mode: .. code-block:: console $ pyspark Cluster mode: .. code-block:: console $ pyspark --master=spark://$(hostname):7077 Pyspark will start a Jupyter notebook and you'll see the URL printed in the terminal. If you're on a remote server, like in an HPC environment, you'll need to create an ssh tunnel in order to connect in a browser. Once you connect in a brower, enter the following in a cell in order to connect to this cluster: .. code-block:: python from pyspark.sql import SparkSession spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("your_app_name").getOrCreate() Spark UI -------- The Spark master starts a web application at ``http://:8080``. Job information is available at port 4040. You can monitor and debug all aspects of your jobs in this application. You can also inspect all cluster configuration settings. If your Spark cluster is running on a remote system, like an HPC, you may need to open an ssh tunnel to the master node. Here is how to do that on NREL's Kestrel cluster. On your laptop: .. code-block:: console $ export COMPUTE_NODE= $ ssh -L 4040:$COMPUTE_NODE:4040 -L 8080:$COMPUTE_NODE:8080 $USER@kestrel.hpc.nrel.gov Installing a Spark Standalone Cluster ===================================== The next sections describe how to install a standalone cluster on a local system and an HPC. Laptop ------ .. note:: As stated earlier, the scripts mentioned in this section do not work in a native Windows environment. You can still start a cluster in Windows; you just have to run the java commands yourself. Download your desired version from https://spark.apache.org/downloads.html and extract it on your system. .. note:: Choose the version that is set in ``dsgrid/setup.py`` for ``pyspark``. Major, minor, and patch versions must match. .. code-block:: console $ cd # directions below assume $HOME $ wget https://dlcdn.apache.org/spark/spark-3.3.1/spark-3.3.1-bin-hadoop3.tgz $ tar -xzf spark-3.3.1-bin-hadoop3.tgz && rm spark-3.3.1-bin-hadoop3.tgz The full instructions to create a cluster are at http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/spark-standalone.html. The rest of this section documents the requirements for dsgrid. Set environment variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console $ export SPARK_HOME=$HOME/spark-3.3.1-bin-hadoop3 $ export PATH=$PATH:$SPARK_HOME/sbin Note that after doing this your system will have two versions of ``pyspark``: - In your Python virtual environment where you installed dsgrid (because dsgrid installs pyspark) - In ``$HOME/spark-3.3.1-bin/hadoop3/bin`` If you use a conda virtual environment, when that environment is activated, its ``pyspark`` will be in your system path. Be sure not to add the spark bin directory to your path so that there are no collisions. **Warning**: Setting ``SPARK_HOME`` will affect operation of your Python ``pyspark`` installation in local mode. That may not be what you want if you make settings specific to the standalone cluster. Customize Spark configuration settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console $ cp $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf.template $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf $ cp $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-env.sh.template $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-env.sh Set ``spark.driver.memory`` and ``spark.driver.maxResultSize`` in ``spark-defaults.conf`` to the maximum data sizes that you expect to pull from Spark to Python, such as if you call ``df.toPandas()``. ``1g`` is probably reasonable. Set ``spark.sql.shuffle.partitions`` to 1-4x the number of cores in your system. Note that the default value is 200, and you probably don't want that. Set ``spark.executor.cores`` and ``spark.executor.memory`` to numbers that allow creation of your desired number of executors. Spark will try to create the most number of executors such that each executor has those resources. For example, if your system has 16 cores and you assign 16g of memory to the worker (see below), ``spark.executor.cores 3`` and ``spark.executor.memory 5g`` will result in 3 executors. Start the Spark processes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console $SPARK_HOME/sbin/start-master.sh Start a worker with this command. Give the worker as much memory as you can afford. Executor memory comes from this pool. You can also configure this in ``spark-env.sh``. .. code-block:: console $SPARK_HOME/sbin/start-worker.sh -m 16g spark://$(hostname):7077 If you add the ``sbin`` to your ``PATH`` environment variable, here is a one-liner: .. code-block:: console $ start-master.sh && start-worker.sh -m 24g spark://$(hostname):7077 Stop the Spark processes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stop all of the processes when you complete your work. .. code-block:: console $ stop-worker.sh && stop-master.sh .. _spark-on-hpc: HPC --- This section describes how you can run Spark jobs on any number of HPC compute nodes. The scripts and examples described here rely on the SLURM scheduling system and have been tested on NREL's Kestrel cluster. NREL's HPC GitHub [repository](https://github.com/NREL/HPC) contains scripts that will create an ephemeral Spark cluster on compute nodes that you allocate. The [README](https://github.com/NREL/HPC/blob/master/applications/spark/README.md) in the repository has generic instructions to run Spark in a variety of ways. The rest of this section calls out choices that you should make to run Spark jobs with dsgrid. .. note:: The latest scripts currently supporting Kestrel are at this branch: https://github.com/daniel-thom/HPC/tree/kestrel-update. Please follow its README instead. 1. Clone the repository. .. code-block:: console $ git clone https://github.com/NREL/HPC.git 2. Choose compute node(s) with fast local storage. This example will allocate one node. .. code-block:: console $ salloc -t 01:00:00 -N1 --account=dsgrid --partition=debug --tmp=1600G --mem=240G - NREL's Kestrel cluster will let you allocate one debug job each with two nodes. So, you can use these scripts to create a two-node cluster for one hour. - If the debug partition is not too full, you can append ``--qos=standby`` to the command above and not be charged any AUs. 3. Select a Spark container compatible with dsgrid, which currently requires Spark v3.5.2. The team has validated the container ``/datasets/images/apache_spark/spark352_py311.sif``. It was created with this Dockerfile in dsgrid: ``docker/spark/Dockerfile``. The container includes ipython, jupyter, pyspark, pandas, duckdb, and pyarrow, but not dsgrid. The ``configure_and_start_spark.sh`` will normally be updated to use the currently-supported dsgrid container by default, but there may be some cases where you need to specify it manually with the ``-c`` option. .. code-block:: console $ configure_and_start_spark.sh -c 4. Configure Spark parameters based on the amount of memory and CPU in each compute node. Set the driver memory (``-M``) to a size sufficient for data transfer between the driver and cluster. For example, if you will convert a 4 GB dataframe to Pandas (``df.toPandas()``), set the value to 4. Some online sources recommend setting it to a size at least as big as the executor memory. It defaults to 1 GB. This command must be run on a compute node. The script will check for the environment variable ``SLURM_JOB_ID``, which is set by ``SLURM``. If you ssh'd into the compute node, it won't be set and then you have to pass it as an argument. Choose the option that is appropriate for your environment. **Note**: Please don't run this command in ``/projects/dsgrid``. It creates runtime files that others may not be able to delete. Run in ``/scratch/$USER`` instead. .. code-block:: console $ configure_and_start_spark.sh .. code-block:: console $ configure_and_start_spark.sh .. code-block:: console $ configure_and_start_spark.sh Run ``configure_and_start_spark.sh --help`` to see all options. Alternatively, or in conjunction with the above command, customize the Spark configuration files in ``./conf`` as necessary per the HPC instructions. 5. Ensure that the dsgrid application uses the Spark configuration that you just defined. .. code-block:: console $ export SPARK_CONF_DIR=$(pwd)/conf 6. Follow the rest of the HPC instructions. Tuning Spark Configuration Settings ----------------------------------- In general you want to run Spark with as many executors as possible on each worker node. The Amazon orchestration software along with the cluster manager *may* take care of that when running on AWS (you will still have to adjust ``spark.sql.shuffle.partitions``). You will have to perform more customizations when running a standalone cluster on your laptop or an HPC. There are multiple ways of setting parameters. These are listed in order of priority - later methods will override the earlier methods when allowed. 1. Global Spark configuration directory: This is ``$SPARK_HOME/conf`` or ``$SPARK_CONF_DIR``. You can customize settings in ``spark-defaults.conf`` and ``spark-env.sh``. Make customizations here if you will use the same settings in all jobs. 2. Spark launch scripts: Use ``spark-submit`` to run scripts. Use ``pyspark`` to run interactively. Both scripts offer the same startup options. You can choose to run in local mode or attach to a cluster. You can override any setting from #1. Make changes here if you will use different settings across jobs. Note that some settings must be made before the Spark JVM starts, like ``spark.driver.memory``, and so this is your last chance to customize those values. 3. SparkSession construction inside a Python process: You can customize things like executor settings when you construct the ``SparkSession`` in Python. For example, this code block will create a session where the job starts a single executor with a single core that uses all available memory. .. code-block:: python from pyspark import SparkConf from pyspark.sql import SparkSession conf = SparkConf().setAppName("my_app") conf.set("spark.executor.cores", 1) conf.set("spark.executor.memory", "16g") conf.setMaster(cluster) spark = SparkSession.builder.config(conf=conf).getOrCreate() 4. Dynamic changes: You can make changes to a limited number of settings at runtime. You can't change the number of executor cores because those have already been allocated. You can change the number of shuffle partitions that Spark will use. You may want to change that value if the sizes of the dataframes you're working on change dramatically. .. code-block:: python from pyspark.sql import SparkSession spark = SparkSession.getActiveSession() spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", 500) Creating a SparkSession with dsgrid =================================== Ensure that the dsgrid software uses the cluster with optimized settings. If you start the dsgrid Python process with the Spark scripts ``spark-submit`` or ``pyspark`` and set the ``--master`` option, those scripts will create a SparkSession attached to the cluster and pass it to the Python process. You can optionally set the ``SPARK_CLUSTER`` environment variable to the cluster URL and then dsgrid will connect to it. .. code-block:: console $ export SPARK_CLUSTER=spark://$(hostname):7077 Using ``SPARK_CLUSTER`` is a bit simpler, but you cannot configure settings like ``spark.driver.memory``, which, as stated earlier, must be set before the JVM is created. spark-submit ------------ Running dsgrid CLI commands through ``spark-submit`` requires cumbersome syntax because the tool needs to 1. Detect that the script is Python (which is why this example uses dsgrid-cli.py instead of dsgrid). 2. Know the full path to the script (accomplished with the utility ``which``). Here's how to do that: .. code-block:: console $ spark-submit --master spark://$(hostname):7077 \ $(which dsgrid-cli.py) \ query project run \ --offline \ --registry-path=/scratch/${USER}/.dsgrid-registry \ query.json .. note:: If you want to set a breakpoint in your code for debug purposes, you cannot use spark-submit. Spark Configuration Problems ============================ Get used to monitoring Spark jobs in the Spark UI. The master is at ``http://:8080`` and jobs are at ``http://:4040``. If a job seems stuck or slow, explore why. Then kill the job, make config changes, and retry. A misconfigured job will take too long or never finish. This section explains some common problems. spark.sql.shuffle.partitions ---------------------------- The most common performance issue we encounter when running complex queries is due to a non-ideal setting for ``spark.sql.shuffle.partitions``. The default Spark value is 200. Some online sources recommend setting it to 1-4x the total number of CPUs in your cluster. This [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daXEp4HmS-E&t=4251s) by a Spark developer offers a recommendation that has worked out better. Use this formula:: num_partitions = max_shuffle_write_size / target_partition_size You will have to run your job once to determine ``max_shuffle_write_size``. You can find it on the Spark UI Stages tab in the Shuffle Write column. Your ``target_partition_size`` should be between 128 - 200 MB. The minimum partitions value should be the total number of cores in the cluster unless you want to leave some cores available for other jobs that may be running simultaneously. Running out of space in local mode on the HPC --------------------------------------------- The ``/tmp`` directory on HPC filesystems is very small. If you run Spark local mode with default settings, it will to use that directory for scratch space and then quickly fill it up and fail. Set the environment variable ``SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS`` to an appropriate directory. .. code-block:: console $ export SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS=/tmp/scratch The scripts discussed above set this environment variable for standalone clusters on an HPC. Dynamic allocation ------------------ This feature is disabled by default on standalone clusters. It is described [here](https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/job-scheduling.html#dynamic-resource-allocation). This section does not necessarily line up with the Spark documentation and will change as we learn more. We have observed two cases where enabling dynamic allocation on a standalone cluster significantly improves performance: - When a Spark job produces a huge number of tasks. This can happen when checking dimension associations as well as queries that map a dataset to project dimensions. - When there is really only enough work for one executor but Spark distributes it to all executors anyway. The inter-process communication adds tons of overhead. The executors also appear to do a lot more work. With dynamic allocation Spark gradually adds executors and these problems don't always occur. The second issue sometimes occurs when submitting a dataset to a project in the registry. We recommend enabling dynamic allocation when doing this. If that is enabled then dsgrid code will reconfigure the SparkSession to use a single executor with one core. Set these values in your ``spark-defaults.conf``. ``spark.shuffle.service.enabled`` must be set before you start the workers. :: spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled true spark.dynamicAllocation.shuffleTracking.enabled true spark.shuffle.service.enabled true spark.shuffle.service.db.enabled = true spark.worker.cleanup.enabled = true We have not observed any downside to having this feature enabled. Slow local storage ------------------ Spark will write lots of temporary data to local storage during shuffle operations. If your joins cause lots of shuffling, it is very important that your local storage be fast. If you direct Spark to use the Lustre filesystem for local storage, you mileage will vary. If the system is idle, it might work. If it is saturated, your job will likely fail. ### Too many executors are involved in a job Some of our Spark jobs, particularly those that create large, in-memory tables from dimension records and mappings, perform much better when there is only one executor and only one CPU. If you think this is happening then set these values in your ``spark-default.confg``:: spark.executor.cores 1 # This value should be greater than half of the memory allocated to the Spark workers, which # will ensure that Spark can only create one executor. spark.executor.memory 15g One common symptom of this type of problem is that a job run in local mode works better than in a standalone cluster. The likely reason is that the standalone cluster has many executors and local mode only has one. A table has partitions that are too small or too large. ------------------------------------------------------- Spark documentation recommends that Parquet partition files be in the range of 100-200 MiB, with 128 MiB being ideal. A very high compression ratio may change that. This affects how much data each task reads from storage into memory. Check your partition sizes with this command: .. code-block:: console $ find -name "*.parquet" -exec ls -lh {} + Check the total size with this command: .. code-block:: console $ du -sh Divide the total size by the target partition size to get the desired number of partitions. If there are too few partitions currently: .. code-block:: python df.repartition(target_partitions).write.parquet("data.parquet") If there are too many partitions currently: .. code-block:: python df.coalesce(target_partitions).write.parquet("data.parquet") If you are partitioning by a column and find that there are many very small partition files, repartition like this: .. code-block:: python df.repartition(column_name).write.partitionBy(column_name).parquet("data.parquet") Skew ---- We have not yet experienced problems with data skew, but expect to. It is covered by many online sources. If your query will produce high data skew, such as can happen with a query that produces results from large and small counties, you can use a salting technique to balance the data. For example, .. code-block:: python df.withColumn("salt_column", F.lit(F.rand() * (num_partitions - 1))) \ .groupBy("county", "salt_column") \ .agg(F.sum("county")) \ .drop("salt_column")