********* Datasets ********* A dataset is defined by its :ref:`dataset-config`. This data structure describes the dataset's attributes, dimensionality, and file format characteristics. Types ===== 1. ``Benchmark`` 2. ``Historical`` 3. ``Modeled`` Dimensions ========== Similar to projects, dataset configs can contain already-registered dimension IDs or unregistered dimension configs. Refer to :ref:`dimensions-and-mappings` for background. Dataset contributors will likely want to define new dimensions in the dataset config using the streamlined workflow. Trivial Dimensions ================== Not all dataset dimensions have to be significant, e.g., historical data will generally have a trivial (i.e., one-element) scenario dimension. We call these one-element dimensions ``trivial dimensions``. For space saving reasons, these trivial dimensions do not need to exist in the dataset files, however, they must be declared as trivial dimensions in the dataset config. File Format =========== A dataset must comply with a supported dsgrid file format. Please refer to :ref:`dataset-formats` for options. Submit-to-Project ================= A dataset must be submitted to a project before it can be used in dsgrid queries. The dsgrid submission process verifies that the dataset's dimensions either meet the project requirements or have valid mappings. Examples ======== The `dsgrid-StandardScenarios repository `_ contains datasets that you can use as examples. Historical ---------- `EIA 861 Utility Customer Sales (MWh) by State by Sector by Year for 2010-2020 `_ Modeled ------- `ResStock eulp_final `_ `AEO 2021 Reference Case Residential Energy End Use Annual Growth Factors `_